
FRESH & Organic with Delivery Option

Try our Customized Weekly Produce  Boxes

Celebrating 12 years of locally-grown fresh organic vegetables.

When you choose to buy locally grown organic vegetables, you’re not only getting food that is free from harmful pesticides and chemicals, but you’re also supporting a sustainable and eco-friendly farming system.

Taste the difference that locally grown organic vegetables can make in your life!

Mike Milsom, Founder and Main Gardener - Mike's Garden Harvest

Mike Milsom
Founder & Farmer


Locally-Grown Organic Veggies

At Mike's Garden Harvest, we offer you the ultimate flexibility to choose the share size that works best for you. With 3 different fully-customizable share sizes available, you can choose to receive our delicious and fresh organic vegetables every week or every other week.

Our produce selection is the same across all sizes, so you won't miss out on any of the deliciousness. Plus, if you want more of a particular item, you can easily add it to your order for the week.

Our main season runs from early in July to late into October, providing you with an abundance of fresh and organic vegetables for a large portion of the year.

Now you can order your Community Sponsored Agriculture (CSA) share for 2025!

Invest in a share of our harvest for the entire season. There are three share sizes, depending on your household needs. Choose to either pick up or have delivered weekly or bi-weekly during our 16-week season.  The shares are fully-customizable so you can select from the vegetables that are available that week. We host a farm pick up every Wednesday. We also offer home, delivery for an additional charge, via Trexitya local logistics company.

Your investment is what we farm with and your dividend is a portion of the vegetables that you receive. Our season could not happen without you and we are excited to have you partner with us.

Shop at our Farm Store: Come visit us every Saturday from 9 to 3 throughout our growing season. Farm fresh, organic vegetables are on display and often we have other locally produced goodies for you to take home.

The Community Share: If you are an apartment building, a neighborhood, a business or a group of any kind, we are here for you. Any group of 20 or more can arrange with us to purchase your vegetables together. You will save on delivery fees and you will create a great sense of community. Talk to us about what you are planning and we will happily work with you.

Our share prices are set at their base value for pick up at the farm, and for your convenience, we offer home delivery for a small additional charge. By joining our farm, you'll have access to the freshest and healthiest organic vegetables, while supporting sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices.

Join us today and taste the difference in quality and flavor that comes with eating fresh, locally-grown organic vegetables!

Mike’s Max Share

Max Share

Mike’s Full Share

Full Share - Mike's Garden Harvest

Mike’s Half Share

Half Share - Mike's Garden Harvest

From July 7 to October 24, 2025

Mike's 2025 - 16 Week
Veggie Share

Rent a Garden Plot

The farm will welcome the community of gardeners for the 2025 growing year. Each plot has access to well water for easy watering, the soil is fertile, tested annually, and the land is tiled, tilled and ready for you!


Subscribe to our newsletter ‘Farm Happenings‘ to keep up on all the farm news and to hear how the veggies are doing.
You can unsubscribe at any time and I don’t share contact information with anyone. Subscriptions are automatic with the purchase of a share.

Mike’s Garden Harvest




436 River Rd, Gloucester, ON K1V 1E7