
The Gardener’s Guidlines

I/we will:

1 Treat the other gardeners, their space and the property of the community garden with respect;

2. Plant seeds and seedlings only after this agreement is signed and all fees are paid in full.

3. Clean the plot up when you have completed harvesting for the season. Gardeners must remove all stakes, string, paper, wire etc. The exact date of closing will be weather dependant and gardeners will be advised annually;

4. Use organic gardening methods only. This means no synthetic fertilizers, insecticides or pesticides. No carpet or other potentially toxic material must be used as cover. If you are in any way unsure, please check with Mike.

5. Keep materials containing ecological contaminants out of the plots (ie. wood that has been Pressure – treated or painted)

6. Water conservatively – use of watering cans

7. Keep weeds at a minimum and maintain the areas immediately surrounding my plot;

8. Keep trash, litter out of the plot, as well as from adjacent pathways;

9. Compost bins will be provided and it is expected that all waste will be taken to the designated areas – discard weeds and deteriorated vegetables in the cage next to composters;

10. No dogs please unless authorized in advance by Mike’s Garden Harvest.

11. Respect neighbouring plots and don’t trespass without the expressed permission of the owner of that plot.

12. Notify Mike’s Garden Harvest by writing (email) if you are unable to maintain your plot for any reason or if you wish to leave (stuff happens). In the event of plot abandonment, poor husbandry, too much weed growth, severe disease or pest damage, continued excessive watering, growth of illegal plants, Mike’s Garden Harvest reserves the right to weed, cut or till down the subject plot.

13. Mike’s Garden Harvest is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

14. Planting of illegal plants and noxious weeds is prohibited. Invasive plants (e.g. mint, Jerusalem artichoke, etc.) must be in a removable container. Plant materials that are on Ontario’s Invasive Species list are prohibited. Please refer to: http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/facts/noxious_weeds.htm .

15. You are responsible for providing your own tools and equipment.

16. Ultimately, Mike’s Garden Harvest is both responsible and accountable by a binding document to the land owner who is the National Capital Commission. This land has been leased to Mike’s Garden Harvest in the trust that agricultural practices that are detailed in the lease agreement will be followed. As such, if it is observed that there are practices being employed by a gardener that violate that agreement, it is important that ultimately, the gardener respects the instructions given. Failure to do so, as it puts the entire project in jeopardy, will obviously result in an immediate eviction.

17. Please understand that there are several projects taking place on the farm property under the umbrella of Mike’s Garden Harvest of which the Garden Plot space is but one. It is to be understood, that the spaces given to those projects will be treated with the same regard as another gardener’s plot and will not be ventured into without invitation.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Mike’s Garden Harvest




436 River Rd, Gloucester, ON K1V 1E7